Six Reasons Why We Struggle with the Doctrine of Predestination

  • September 2, 2023

Why is it that we struggle with this doctrine of predestination?

Here are some thoughts I have on this issue:

1. First, and most likely the key reason: we want to be in charge of our destiny — and not God. This explains our uncomfortable feeling of not being in charge of the salvation that Christ provides. This is the primary sin of mankind from Adam onwards and none of us are exempt from this issue since all have fallen in Adam.

2. We misunderstand what the gospel is. Many understand that the gospel is your get out of hell free card. This is a reduction of the gospel message. The gospel is the proclamation that the King of the Universe (the King of Glory) has condescended his heavenly throne to join himself to humanity- living among his people, dying a sinner’s death and through his death, defeating the powers of sin, death, and the devil; then raising from the dead opening the way to life for all of those who are and would be in Him; And finally, ascending to the throne at the right hand of the Father to take his proper place as judge of all mankind — establishing the kingdom that will last forever. This is the gospel message. The point is- the gospel is all about Jesus and not about me. Jesus is the center of the story and therefore, our eternal place is a consequence of his work, not ours. Given that what we do has no role in who Jesus is or his work, then it follows that we have no role in who Jesus is to us, or what Jesus does for us (including those thing prepared ahead of time).

3. We misunderstand what salvation is. Following from the misunderstanding that we have about what the gospel is a misunderstanding of how one is saved. Many might think that salvation comes through saying the sinner’s prayer or because of a personal response to an altar call. While this may begin a person’s journey to following the Lord, it is another reduction to suggest that because you say a prayer, or because you confessed your sin at an altar, that you are saved. This incorrectly puts salvation into the hands of man. And while the call of the Lord on your life transitions to an appropriate response of piety, that response doesn’t save you. The Lord does. A prayer and an altar call do not save you. Again, these two things- if one is called by God- may be appropriate responses to his saving work. So, this might lead you to ask, how do you know you’re saved? Ask yourself these questions: do you confess that Jesus Christ is Lord?; Do you want to please the Father?; Are you willing to give up everything- lifestyle, family, your life- for the sake of Christ?; Are the fruits of the Spirit beginning to manifest in your life, or do you at least desire them to? — All of those questions among other things will guide you to assurance. However, may I also suggest that you read the book of 1 John and the Holy Spirit will illuminate the assurance that the Apostle commends to you.

4. We mistakenly think that God is unjust. Is it unjust for God to pick some for salvation while others are passed over? We forget that the work of God is a mystery and that every good thing comes from God. God’s nature is wholly and completely good, so he would not commit something that is not good. But, in this great mystery of creation, we will never fully understand the choices of an infinite God. This is a long way to say: we don’t know why God predestines some for life with him and others for hell, but we do know that God is good.

5. One major error here is that in our modern age, we have a small capacity for supernatural mystery. We like things defined, sorted out, scientifically proven, and we’re materialists at heart. We have bought the lie, even if unconsciously, that all that is true is knowable through the five senses (the problem is that particular idea can’t be known through the five senses, so it’s a contradiction).

6. We mistakenly think that mankind is ontologically good. This is an error and it’s a big one. Only redeemed mankind is ontologically good and that’s because redeemed mankind are in Christ and he is in us; it is because redeemed mankind is born again, made a new creation, and we partake of the divine nature. The nature of our first-born selves is fallen which precludes ontological “goodness.” Good acts in our first-born selves are good not because they extend from our being, but because God is imminent in the world compelling even the fallen to act according to the Law. Thus, our first-born selves are fallen and, thus, ontologically depraved. The proper destination for such beings is death- eternal separation from that which is good. But God has redeemed us; a new creation begins in those who have been born again. And like how you did not choose to be born the first time, it is not within your ability to choose to be born again. Both births belong to God.

    There are may be many other reasons why we struggle with the doctrine of predestination. This is just a sampling. We must remember that God is good and that he is saving human beings from the fate they rightly deserve.

    The doctrine of predestination, far from being a confusing struggle that we make it to be, should fill us with a secure hope that our Good God will do what He does in Christ- save the lives of many people. Because if it was up to us or any other human being, no one would be saved. But with God, anything is possible. Thank God that he chooses and that it is up to him.